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Of the governayle of seke people.

All wyse and naturall phylosophres say that man is made and composed of foure contrary humours, the which have alway nede to be susteyned with meate and drynke. The substaunce wherof behoveth to yssue and be corrupte yf ony do alway eate and drynke, and he sholde waxe weyke and fall in grete dyseases, and have many inconvenyences. But yf he eate and drynke temperatly and reasonable, he shall fynde helpe of lyfe, strength of body, and helth of all the members. The wyse phylosophres saye that yf any man trespace the god of nature, and the good maner of lyvynge, be it in to moche eatyne and drynkynge, or to moche slepynge, or wakynge, in to moche walkyng or restynge, beynge to laxatyfe, or to moche letynge of blode or to lytell, it can not be but he must fall in many dyseases, and greves. Of the whiche dyseases I have bryefly founde, and therin wyll I shewe the my councell, & remedye for the same. All wyse phylosophres accordeth in one sayeng. Who so kepeth hym fro overmoche eatynge & drynkyng & frome that excesses aforesayd & kepeth temperaunce, he shal be helthfull of his bodye, & lyve longe. For I can fynde no man but he is of this opynyon, & wyll saye that all delectable thynges of the worlde, be it in pleasure of the body, it is but for to lyve the longer in them. But for a more secrete ye ought to enforce you to do suche thynges as ben belongynge to longe lyfe, & not to folowe the appetyte, that is to wyte, not to lye meate upon meat. And dere sone I have herde often spoken of Ypocras which kept many tymes dyete to thende that he myght lyve & endure the longer. Not for to lyve and endure for the meate & drynke. Also dere sone it is grete holsomnesse to be purged of superfluytees & evyll humours whiche ben in the body.

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tashid 2001-09-09