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Of the foure seasons of the yere.

Our intencyon is to treate in this boke of the foure seasons of the yeare, with the qualyte, propryete, contraryte, and dyfference of eche of them. And they ben certayne seasons of the yere devyded as foloweth. That is to wyte [fyrst] prym tyme or vere. [Prymtyme or vere begynneth whan the sonne entreth in the sygne of Aries, and lasteth foure score & xiij. dayes, and .xiij. houres, & the fourthe parte of an houre. That is to wyte from the .x. daye in the ende of Marche, to the foure and twenty day of June.] And in this season the dayes & nyghtes ben egall of length. The wether is fayre. The warme wether cometh. The snowes melte, ryvers renne swyft and clere & waxe warme, the moystenesse of the erthe ryseth to the heyght of trees, and causeth them to smel swete. Medowes and graynes sprowte and corne groweth, & all floures take coloure, byrdes ben clothed with newe robes, and enforce them to synge. Trees ben decked with leves and floures, and the landes with sedes. Beestes engendre and all people take strength & lust. The erthe is arayed goodly, & is a fayre bryde clothed with Jewelles of dyvers coloures bycause she shoulde seme the fayrer at her weddynge.

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tashid 2001-09-09