Cross Country

One week in summer 2017 I found myself playing concertina at the Minack Theatre, and on one of the days when there wasn't a matinée performance, idly looking across the Ordnance map, I noticed a Cross marked nearby in their antique font. And then another in the nearest churchyard, and a third. In fact now I'd noticed these I realized there were dozens of them all across the map, by roads or field edges, or in churchyards. So the next sunny day I decided I should string togeher the ones I'd spotted on the map into a day walk. (Somehow, even though I'd limited myself to three parishes and searched fairly diligently, I managed to miss at least four.)

Later, I found a book from 1856, "Old Cornish Crosses", by Arthur G. Langdon, which classifies them into types and includes a number of engravings.

Langdon's "Old Cornish Crosses" in the Internet Archive More cross locations and links (Google Sheet)