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Of paynes and punysshementes.

My dere sone Alexander, I admonysshe, and also praye the to kepe my doctrynes and thou shalt come to thy purpose. And thy realme shall be durable and in good estate. That is to wyte, above all thynge that thou kepe the frome shedynge of mannes blode. For it belongeth onely to god, whiche knoweth the secretes of men. Than take not on the, the offyce that belongeth onely to almyghty god, wherfore as moche as thou mayst withdrawe thy hande therfro. For the doctour Hermogenes sayth, that who that sleeth the creature lyke unto hym, all the sterres of the skye ceaseth not to crye to the mageste of god, lorde, lorde, thy servaunt wyll be lyke unto the. For surely god wyll take vengeaunce on hym that sleeth a man, and specyally without reasonable cause. For god answereth to the vertues of heven saynge, Leave ye, for in me lyeth the vengeaunce, and I can yelde it. And wyte thou that the vertues of heven without cease do present before the face of god, the dethe and blode of hym that is deed, tyll that god hath taken vengeaunce for it.

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tashid 2001-09-09