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Of the maner to slepe.

Whan thou hast taken thy refeccyon and hast luste to slepe, lye downe on a softe bedde and slepe temperatly. And fyrst lye downe on the lyfte syde, and slepe theron a reasonable space, for the lyfte syde is colde and hath nede to be warmeth. And yf thou fele ony payn in thy bely or in thy stomake, than lay therto a soverayne medycyne, that is a warme lynnen cloth layde theron. Wyte thou dere sone that travayle is good, and gyveth heate to the stomake. But after dyner it is a noughty thynge, for the meate abydeth undygested in the botome of the stomake, and therof be bredde many dyseases. And slepe before fedynge is not good, for it maketh the body leane and dryeth the humoures. But slepynge after fedynge is good, for it fulfylleth the body & gyveth force, & nourysshyng therto. For whan the body of man resteth, than the natural heat draweth the heat that was spredde in all the membres in to the botom of the stomake, & syveth strength therto upon the refeccyon of the meat. And heat requyreth rest. Therfore some phylosophres have sayd that it is better & holsomer to eat at nyght than in the mornyng, for the eatyng in the mornynge bycause of the heat of the day greveth the stomake, & the body is more travayled therwith. And moreover the person shauffeth in travaylyng doynge his besynesse, in goyng & spekyng, & many other thynges that belongeth to the body of man, by the which heat that is outwarde towarde none, the naturall heat that is inwarde is weyked & appeyred, & the meate is harde to dygest. But at nyght it is more easy & lesse greved with the heat of traveyle. And the hert & membres of man ben more in quyet by the coldnesse of the nyght, that gyveth naturall heat to the stomake.

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tashid 2001-09-09