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Of thynges that fatteth the body.

Ryght dere sone these ben thynges that fatteth the body. That is to wyte ease of the body and fyllynge it with deynty meates and drynkes, & mylke, and than to slepe on a soft bed. All swete smellynge floures in theyr season, and bathynge in fresshe waters. But yf thou bathe the, tary not longe in it, and have swete smellynge thynges in the bath. And never drynke wyne but it be well tempered with water. And specyally in wynter make water of floures called Assynini and put it in to thy wyne, for it is hote of nature. And in somer use vyolettes and floures of malowes & other thynges that be colde, & use to vomyte ones in a moneth specyally. For vomytes wassheth the body and purgeth it of wycked humoures and stynke that is in it. And yf there be but fewe humoures in the stomake, it conforteth the naturall heate. And whan thou hast vomyte wyllyngly, the body wyll fyll it with good humydyte and be of good dysposycyon to dygest. And yf thou governe the thus, thou shalt be mery at thy hert, lusty with reasonable helth and good understandyng, glory & honour, & over all thyn enemyes vyctory. Also I wyll that thou delyte in the beholdyng of goodly persones, or in redynge of delectable bokes, or in weryng of precyous garmentes, and goodly Jewelles, as the tyme requyreth.

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tashid 2001-09-09