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Of the fourme of Justyce.

O moost dyscrete kynge Justyce can not be praysed to moche, for it is of mervaylous sharpe nature, lyke to the moost gloryous god. And he ordeyned it over his aungels, over his werkes, & over al realmes. And thou ought to kepe Justyve, and defende the wyttes, the rychesses, & possessyons of thy subgectes and all theyr werkes, for so dooth almyghty god. And ony lorde aoyng in lyke case is lyke to god. For by maynteyning of Justyce he foloweth god, and thou ought to folow hym in all nedefull werkes. And this is the fourme of understandynge the whiche god created, and graunted to his creatures. By Justyce the erthe was made, and kynges ordeyned to kepe and maynteyne Justyce, for it maketh subgectes meke and obedyent, prowde men lowly, and kepeth all persons in saufe fro wronges and domages. And therfore they of Ynde saye that the Justyce of a good lorde is better than the rayne that falleth in the evenyng. And there was once founde wryten in a stone in the speche of Caldee that wyse kynges ben bretheren havying nede eche of other, and one maye not be without the other. For all the kynges of the worlde be to rule, and maynteyne Justyce, whiche is the helthe of Justyce. Therfore yf thou hast ony thyng for to do aske councell, for thou arte but one man. And shewe not all thy courage to thy councelers nor lete them not knowe what is in thy wyll to do. For yf thou shew thy mynde at the begynnynge thou shalt be dyspraysed. Than attempre thyn herte, and thy wyll, but here councel fyrst. And manyfeste not that, that lyeth at thy herte tyll thou come to put it in effecte. Consydre well the councell of every man, and whiche of them hath Juged thy mater and counceled the best for the, and with the best love that he hath towards that. And whan thou hast thus recorded thy councell, put thy mynde in effecte without delay. For the gretest destruccyon that may come to a kynge is to be slowe in his werkes and to lese tyme. And yf so be that a yonge man of small estate gyve the good councell, dyspyse it not, for it is possyble that a man may be borne in suche constellacyon that naturally he shall have wysdome.

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tashid 2001-09-09